Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I've Got Poop On Me

Last week i locked my keys in my car downtown. My spare car keys are in the house. Sarah and Christopher were in a movie; therefor, my spare keys to my house are in a movie. The fucking bugs were eating me alive. Luckily Kerry was on here way to me already for some reason which i still don't understand. But we drove to midtown and got a wire hanger and came back to the car to fish my keys off the passenger seat. The passenger window was cracked a tiny bit and after a while i was able to hook the keyring. The flimsy hanger bobs up and down scaring the shit out of me. But Kerry and her tiny fingers were able to pull the keys through the tiny crack.

Scary shit, but was actually really fun looking back.

Bitterly Your,

1 comment:

Kerry said...

a) "Kerry and Her Tiny Fingers" sounds like a band.

b) It was indeed fun in retrospect.

c) You forgot to add that we then had beer!

d) I'm not sure why I was on my way to meet you either. I think there was a reson, though.